Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter in New Jersey

We celebrated Easter this year in a number of ways:
Coloring eggs
decorating our windows with tacky window clings of eggs and Easter bunny
family communion
reading the Easter story from a beautiful picture book
finding Easter baskets
turkey dinner
and my favorite the Easter play. This was Eli's idea and under his direction. Austin was the guard of the tomb and the angel, Eli was Jesus, Darcy was Mary Magdalene, Quintin was Peter, the spaceship tent was the tomb and the exercise ball was the stone that was rolled away. The scene started with the guard falling asleep and the tomb rolling away. I think Eli being a director/actor is a big possibility.

The boys had a blast coloring eggs. Quintin kept saying "Ooooh!"

The finished product.

Easter morning....Quintin found his basket before mommy and daddy new he was even awake and chomped down 3 suckers!
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A visit to Time Square at night.

Darcy's parents and friend, Nick, came for a visit in February. Here we are in Central Park.

Lady Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry.

The boys serving bread with Erin and Benny. They had so much fun with the team from College Church in Indiana. They loved all of the attention.
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