Saturday, May 2, 2009

God Does Amazing Work

I'm sure or I hope you've had times in your life when God does something so great you're in disbelief and overwhelmed by his power. I just had one of those memorable moments. About a week ago, I had a dream that was pretty cool. I dreamed I was at the Relief bus with the kids in Newark. I was praying for the kids and I knew what each of them needed as I prayed. I remember praying for Satan's hold to be released on their lives and for release from poverty and addiction. Then I explained to them all about Jesus and the plan of salvation with such ease. It made perfect sense in my dream. The kids all understood too and were saved that night. I told Austin my dream and we both thought it was pretty cool, but I didn't think much more about it until last night. I went to the Newark spot as I do each Friday night to do a bible study with the kids. The lesson was how to pray and we read the Lord's prayer in a children's bible. As we talked about each part and practiced praying together, these conversations/questions arose:

God is so great- the kids each took turns telling God why they love him.

God please provide for us what we need. One boy said, "I don't want to be poor." We prayed for food, clothes, housing, jobs for mom and dad.

Forgive us for what we've done wrong. "I pulled a knife on my brother." from an 8 year old

Help me to forgive those who've done me wrong.

Lead us away from doing wrong. One boy said, "I don't want to smoke crack when I grow up." There is only one way an 8 year old knows about crack- people around him are smoking it.

Free us from the evil one. That's Satan or the Devil and he only wants to steal, kill and destroy. "I don't want to go to hell when I die. Does our soul go to hell?" Yes, if you don't believe in Jesus and follow after him. But you can ask Jesus to forgive you and live in your heart. When we follow after Jesus and His ways we get to live in Heaven with him when we die. Then we prayed a prayer of salvation together.
I know angels were rejoicing in heaven and I claim in Jesus' name that their lives will be changed and they won't follow in the path of destruction but follow after Jesus and His ways!