Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Update

Sorry, we're bad bloggers- but we're going to try to be more consistent with posting. Here's a few recent photos. Austin will have a story from the streets coming soon. Please pray for him as he recovers from his knee surgery last week. It was out patient arthroscopic surgery for a torn meniscus from years ago. Hopefully he'll be without pain soon!

Isaiah made a mess of Quintin's yogurt.

Eli and Quintin enjoyed an afternoon at the park.

The view of the city from Liberty State Park in NJ.


Benj & Steph said...

It's about time bond's! Just kidding, Love the pictures of the boys, they are growing up too fast! Love you all and praying for Austin's recovery!!!

hellotheretracy said...

Hey, really enjoying your blog :) How do you put photo's in with the text that you are posting? Thanks for the tips, t:)